
Monday, January 21, 2013

Ahli Parlimen DAP Taiping Nga Kor Meng "Potong Lan###"

Sepupu kepada Ngeh Ko Ham cuba mencari publisiti.... nak tau apa sebabnya.... nak tutup cerita gamaknya...

Namun apa yang kawan aku Mat Saman Kati kata; 

How to detect a liar? How to catch a liar without high tech equipment such as a lie detector? You need a good eye, good ear and a healthy skepticism.

1. People tend to touch their nose and scratch their face when they lie.

2. Follow their eyes, liar then to blink a lot and cannot maintain eye contact.

3. Check their smile, people who are telling the truth tend to use many facial muscle but liar just smile with their mouth.

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