
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Lakonan Anwar dah Kantoi.. Terjawab sudah..

Aku dikecam kononnya berminat dengan umno,, bila aku duk pertikai Anwar Ibrahim, woii tolonglah,, Anwar tu pun sama juga dengan perangai umno, sebab jiwanya masih jiwa umno, itu pasal aku gerodek.. 

Tolong baca berita ni... 

Azmin was Selangor PKR’s first choice for MB, says former Kajang rep - See more at:
Azmin was Selangor PKR’s first choice for MB, says former Kajang rep - See more at:
Azmin was Selangor PKR’s first choice for MB, says former Kajang rep - See more at:
Azmin was Selangor PKR’s first choice for MB, says former Kajang rep - 

Published: 28 September 2014 | Updated: 28 September 2014 8:13 AM
Former Kajang assemblyman Lee Chin Cheh says Selangor PKR leaders had approached the party's top leadership days after the general election last year to have Azmin Ali takes over as the menteri besar but the proposal was shot down. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Raiezal, September 28, 2014.
Former Kajang assemblyman Lee Chin Cheh says Selangor PKR leaders had approached the party's top leadership days after the general election last year to have Azmin Ali takes over as the menteri besar but the proposal was shot down. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Raiezal, September 28, 2014. - 

For Lee Chin Cheh, whose resignation triggered the Kajang move that led to the Selangor menteri besar impasse, the appointment of Azmin Ali as menteri besar is the culmination of a plan that has come full circle.

The former Kajang assemblyman believes the Kajang move was not a failure as the state PKR had initially wanted Azmin to replace former MB, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.
"What's happening now is the sum of what we had wanted all this while, although it happened accidentally in a roundabout way," he said.
Lee said the state leaders had approached the party's top leadership two days after the May 5 general election last year, proposing that Azmin take over as menteri besar, as they had qualms about Khalid's suitability to continue helming Selangor.
But the proposal was shot down.
"I was told that we do not have the consensus from the other Pakatan partners," he said, referring to DAP and PAS who wanted Khalid to run Malaysia's wealthiest state for the second term.
"They did not understand our run-ins with Khalid within PKR and we couldn’t force them to believe it," he told The Malaysian Insider at his law firm in Petaling Jaya.
The lawyer said he did not know why the two Pakatan parties preferred Khalid but conceded that Azmin was often "misunderstood" by people.
"People who don't know him had painted him as greedy, corrupt and lusting for power but that is not true.
"He has demonstrated great leadership abilities, is a charismatic leader and has the qualities to propel us further," said Lee, who had worked closely with Azmin, who is the state PKR chief.
He said the Kajang move had also succeeded in replacing Khalid, although it took eight tumultuous months that revealed cracks within Pakatan Rakyat and might have cost the opposition pact support from the electorate.
PKR had claimed the Kajang move and the subsequent decision to field opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim in the mixed seat was to strengthen the opposition coalition's ability to serve the urban electorate as well as to defend Selangor from Umno’s attacks.
At that time, Lee, 43, had hoped that Anwar would rope in Azmin to be part of the state administration.
"So, to me, Azmin was relevant to the move," he said.
However, that plan was stymied by the Court of Appeal's decision that Anwar was guilty of sodomising his former aide, which left PKR settling for Anwar's wife, PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.
Dr Wan Azizah won the Kajang by-election and was the sole choice of PKR and DAP for the MB post, a move that was resisted by conservative leaders in ally PAS, who felt that she was not qualified.
This triggered tension within the Islamist party as well as with PKR and DAP.
Earlier this week, the Selangor Sultan appointed PKR deputy president Azmin as the MB, ending the imbroglio that has dogged the state for months.
Lee is relieved that the crisis is over and said the focus now for Azmin should be on managing the state effectively and to bring together all three parties to prepare for the next general election, which has to be called by 2018.
"There is a lot more work to be done in the future but I believe there's a good opportunity now for party policies to be gelled with more effectively with the administration," he said.
Under Khalid, the common complaint among PKR leaders was his tendency to act unilaterally and not brief the party of his plans.
Despite the drama of the past eight months, Lee does not regret his decision to step down, despite knowing he will not be eligible to stand in the next general election.
"I know Khalid would never go unless the pressure or surrounding circumstances were great enough.
“Some might say the Kajang move is a disaster but to me, it has served its purpose and brought the desired result." – September 28, 2014.

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Persoalannya kenapa dibuatnya Langkah Kajang dengan berbagai cerita kartun dengan membodohkan perlbagai pihak sehingga Parti Pas berantakan, bergaduh sesama sendiri,,, sebabnya utamanya Presiden Pas tolak Wan Azizah,,,  ni apa cerita ... akhirnya sesama makan kek merayakan perbuatan mereka... memang membusukkan.. 

Kenapa nak buat SD, ambik ahli Adun Pas 2 org suruh sokong Wan Azizah,, bagi cukup 30 org majoriti,, Azmin pun berjanji tak mau jawatan MB, tetap kpd Azizah,, akhirnya cerita lain,,, semua kena tipu... kerusi Exco Pas dari 4 dah tinggal 3, ini rupa parti yang mengaku keadilan,,, kwak pthuihhh.. .


  1. pemilik blog ni glongan ug haram jadah.

    1. Samada dia baca tapi tak faham atau memang dia tak tahu baca artikel tu. hahaha

    2. Brrkawan dengan pkr haram jadah merugikan PAS

  2. Pendirian PAS mengenai kemelut MB Selangor memperlihatkan parti itu seperti mahu memberi kelebihan kepada UMNO. PAS kurang jujur apabila berkawan dengan parti lain dalam PKR. PAS juga kelihatan seperti tidak mempunyai pandangan strategik, satu liabiliti jika PR berpeluang memerintah Malaysia. DAP telah membuktikan ia boleh mentadbir Pulau Pinang dan PKR dengan Selangornya. Tetapi apa sumbangan PAS ke atas mempertahankan Terengganu dan Kedah selain dari menyalahkan orang lain?

  3. Kalau betul dan ada bukti sila ajukan kpd PAS dan minta PAS keluar dari PR, kan mudah aje tu. Lepas ni bolehlah PAS bersatu dgn umno sebagaimana yg dihajatkan. Tak payahlah nak fitnah apa yg ada dlm fikiran org lain. Kes fitnah pil kuda dan komunis bila nak jawab? Dah tahu diri tu ulama jgn dok fitnah org tanpa bukti. Memalukan jemaah Islam aje..........

  4. Dulu masa umno tendang pas keluar aku mati2 sangka umno bila pas bergabung dengan pkr dan dap dan terbukti pas secara diam2 bercengkerama dengan umno pulak...aku dah mula berfikir sebaliknya...

    1. Ko ni umno lah sbb ko cakap ko sangka umno jahat, tapi umno mmg jahat kerana sentiasa membuli lawan, ko tengok di perak, disebabkan kelemahan PKR, maka hilang sebuah negeri yg majoriti rakyat menolak umno bn dari PR. Umno bn bebas berkempen hingga ke dalam rumah melaui TV dan radio yg dimiliki oleh seluruh rakyat sedangkan Pembangkang hanya dapat kempen dgn ceramah tu pun kalau dpt permit. baik ke umno, tapi kalu karat umno cakap apa pu ko memang segaja tak paham.

  5. Bila Anwar nak bertanding , musuh beliau menggunakan Mahkamah untuk menghalangnya.Pabila WA nak bertanding mereka guna Hj Hadi utk menghalangnya dr menjadi MB.Cuba teka siapa Baru_ disini.

    1. Untungnya mnjd anwar...TIDAK boleh ada prtuduhan/dakwaan..TIDAK ada mahkamah yg brhak mmbicarakan... TIDAK ada pendakwaraya yg mndakwa...TIDAK ada tempoh utk perbicaraan...TIDAK perlu pembela yg jujur dan telus...TIDAK berhak hakim utk mnjatuh hukum kpd trtuduh yg bernama anwar bin ibrahim...untung ya jika mnjd org yg petah brpidato dari org yg bertawakal kpd Allah...

  6. Padan muko ko manjung mari... Nak sgt tok guru pil kuda pi le teganu... Org ganu ckp besar mcm ko.. Suka buat fitnah mcm ko le mm....

    1. Hahaha...jika mm buat cerita atau fitnah kpd umno maka sewajibnya mm dianggap hero dan ceritanya ada lh FAKTA...ttp jika melibatkn pkr apa lg dap maka fakta sewajibnya dianggap auta...

  7. Aku sokong sgt pas dulu... Tp sekarang aku menyampah tgk perangai ko yg dok salah kawan sendiri... Musuh ko dok plk dok ketawa.. Ngko memg hampeh... Rosakkan parti ko sendiri... Hampeh ko... Bunuh kawan sendiri... Pi le dgn amno.. Isytihar keluar pr... Tgk le lepas ni kelate plk kita hukum... Xsedar diri... Jenis sombong... Xnak muhasabah diri....

    1. Hahaha...bhai lu kelakar sokong pas kerana perjuangannya ke atau org yg berada dlm pas??? Lu berparti kerana berpolitik yg diyakini perjuangan pas itu benar atau hnya kerana macai yg mnjd ahli??? Kesian pd mana2 parti yg ada ahli cam lu.. lu yg pun ptt muhasabah diri bhai..

  8. Baru namanyer semangat kepartian... bukan hentam kromo.... siasat dulu....

  9. Padan muka MM kena main. Orang lain tak rasa mcm tu pun.

    1. 'ORANG LAIN'..tu sapa ya bhai..klu setakat lu maka tk mewakili lansung org2 yg lain...

  10. dah la sdara..ckup2 la nk mgkusutkan keadaan...dlm keadaan skrg lbh baik brdiam dri...xperlu komen lbh2...serah kpd kpimpinan PAS sj...PAS dah ckup kucar kacir...jgn tmbhkan lg kekusutan tu...jgn lpa prjuangan asal...klu anda fikir Keadilan n DAP teruk UMNO lg dasyat...kalaulah PKR n DAP itu jahat,UMNO sgt jahat...jd lbh baik pilih yg jahat drpd pilih yg sgt jahat(kalau jahat) sndri xpuas hti dgn keadaan kt kna brsbar dan brtenang...jgn nilai pntdbiran azmin skrg krn kt xtau lg keja yg dia bt...nti jd fitnah plak sdara..dlu kt kta UMNO ska fitnah skrg kt pn sma ke?berilah pluang kpd dia...jgn TAMAK wlupun dorg nmpk syg PAS n PR...jgn sbb nk tnjuk kt xmngalah kpd PKR n DAP kt jd takabbur n brpecah belah...INGATLAH, PR brpecah brmkna JARUM UMNO tlh brkesan utk mmecahbelahkn PR...jika PR brpecah,harapan utk menang lbh sukar...PR BERPECAH UMNO BAHAGIA....skrg UMNO BERGELAK KETAWA KERANA PAS,PKR dan DAP bergaduh....TANPA BERBUAT APA2 UMNO TELAH MEMECAHBELAHKAN PR...yg memecahbelahkan PR dan memenangkan UMNO adalah BLOGGER2 dlm kalangan PR sndri...Salam

    1. Jika umno berdosa dan bakal masuk neraka maka tk salah jika ikut pr mncari dosa dan mencari neraka.. alasan mudah 'umno pun...'hahaha lu hebat bhai...

    2. itu hnya prumpamaan...yg pasti PAS tidak sperti UMNO...bc sirah nabi blk syeikh....Nabi bt prjnjian berat sblh,mmberi byk klebihan kpd pihak quraish adakah nabi ikut quraish?tidak....kna fhm situasi smasa syeikh....skrg hnya mainan UMNO nk pcah belahkan PR spya mmberi keuntungan kpd UMNO..apa dosa yg PAS bt?sbnrnya ini sume mainan putar belit media yg licik....INGAT BALIK PESAN NABI SAW, dunia akhir zaman dipenuhi ftnah...Fitnah yg besar....INI la fitnah tu syeikh....yg trmakan fitnah akn trus menuding jari...akan petah brhujah dlm stiap hal kononnya nk mmbetulkan yg slh...pdhal xsdar dri tlh trmakan fitnah...klu ssuatu brita itu smpai,slidiki la dlu...

    3. Adakah langkah kajang dirancang oleh umno?..adakah adun kajang dimnta ltk jawatan oleh umno?.. adakh wan azizah diangkat utk jd mb juga rancangan umno?..adakh 2 adun pas yg menntng arahan pas pusat juga diatur oleh umno?.. ada kh azmin dicdgkn kpd sultan juga cadangan umno?..adakh tghh serta mjlis syura tk setuju dgn kehendak anwar sbb umno yg tk setuju?..adakh sultan murka dgn kebongkakkn dap dan pkr juga sbb umno yg atur utk sultan murka?.. adakh dap dan pkr menentang sultan juga arahan umno? Adakh azmin diterima sbgi mb sbb umno suka dgn azmin?..adakh 2 adun pas dianggap wira oleh dap sbb umno mngiktiraf mereka mmng wira?...bnyk lg bhai kemelut langkh kajang mnjd kejang yg tlh tnjukkn siapa abang long..siapa ayahanda dan siapa taiko dlm pr...ttp ending nya 'ini semua salah umno!..ini semua umno yg rancang!..'mudah nya bhai utk mnjd perjuang dlm pr..

  11. Azmin Ali lahir di Singapura pada 25 Ogos 1964 dan merupakan abang kepada pengacara televisyen yang penuh kontroversi iaitu Azwan Ali.Beliau mendapat pendidikan awal di Sekolah Gurney Road (2), Kuala Lumpur dari 1971 hingga 1976. Kemudian beliau bersekolah menengah di Sekolah Tinggi Setapak, Kuala Lumpur (1977 - 1979) dan Institut Teknikal, Jalan Cheras, Kuala Lumpur (1980 - 1981). Beliau menyambung pelajaran beliau di University of Minnesota, Amerika Syarikat.

    KEDEPAN (KEmbalikan DEgree berasaskan kePANdaian, SPM 5A < degree dan guru, 3A-4A diploma, 1A-2A sijil, 0A buruh, amah dan pekerja am) adil ialah meletakkan sesuatu pada tempatnya.

  12. YANG penting skrg jgn trmakan jarum UMNO...UMNO duk brsorak kriangan apabila PR brgaduh...yg panas eloklah disejukkn..bkn mnambah kpanasan....JANGAN TERMAKAN FITNAH DUNIA AKHIR ZAMAN NI.....
